Pet Quality of Life Consultation
Learn more about our pet quality of life consultation services below.
Pet Quality of Life Consultation
We provide help for families struggling with important decisions regarding the quality of life for their beloved pets. Palliative options, including medication, environmental and nutritional changes, and traditional medicine, will be discussed for the relief of pain and other chronic or terminal conditions.
Our main goal with a Quality of Life Consultation is always a peaceful end-of-life experience.
Pet Quality of Life Consultation
What to expect during a Quality of Life Consultation?
Appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes, and the doctor will call prior to arrival. If available prior to the appointment, the doctor will have already reviewed previous medical history. During the appointment, the doctor will discuss medical history and perform a physical examination. As you know your pet the best, you will be asked to assess their pain levels and other important factors determining the quality of life. The doctor will discuss palliative options and help you decide the next best course of action. If palliative care is elected, you and the doctor will discuss a plan and follow-up details. If gentle euthanasia is chosen, the doctor can perform this during the appointment. This includes medical management with unlimited communication and plan changes for one month.